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Mx - offline Mx
Arrow13-11-2002 00:55 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Mad fancier

The Original Language of Fallout (only!)

There are so many ways the famous old game called Fallout inspires people even today with it's unrepeatable atmosphere! This is the world, where you live and control your fate! Now you became a witness of one kind of consequence, which would the inspiration lead to. If you want to try your favorite game in its original language, why don't you first try to participate here, in our conversation! Believe my experience, it will help. There's only one rule - english only. Even when someone doesn't understand a word, you have to explain it to her/him in english, using some easier variants.

Wazzup, buddies! How you're doing! Let's rock-n-roll! (c) Mortitia

Why don't each one choose a role? I'm Mx! Surprised? Sorry, didn't wanna scare you

Mortitia Addams - offline Mortitia Addams
13-11-2002 01:48 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Гроза редисок

Mx -> Wow! You just quoted me! Sounds like our life is worth living after all!

BTW, when I tried to express my gratitude to the authors of Fallout Series on the official BIS forum I got so many negative aggressive responses from the Americans - I never shown there again! It was horrible! The most unpleasant communication experience I have ever had in my life! I think I should find the text of my posting for you to laugh at my naive way to say "thank you"

Mx - offline Mx
13-11-2002 02:32 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Mad fancier

Mortitia Addams
I'd really like to see what exactly appeared to be so negative about your posting. My friend, for example, once was saying to American that September 11th was "terrific", mixing it with the world "terrible"

Mx - offline Mx
13-11-2002 02:40 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Mad fancier

BTW, when I've visited Moscow this summer, I've been shocked by the way "Friends" were translated. I haven't even had any desire to watch it. The whole humor of the show disappeared due to the abscence of perfect voices of real actors and messing up the phrases. What have they done to Pheebe's famous masterpiece "Smelly cat" I loved this song until I heard the screwed up translation.

It's just a little lyric deviation. Never mind .

Prince Dakkar - offline Prince Dakkar
13-11-2002 19:28 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Local Master of your Destiny

I think your friend had a great success BTW, where have you been when the planes crashed into the towers?

Actually, I hate creating offtop threads like this one. Why? Well, if you have a little conversation here and there and limited only by your own desire to write something in one way or another, it's quite interesting. But if you create a specialized topic like "Bar" instead of plaing roles wherever you want, the interest will be temporaly moved there, but such threads usually dissapeare fast enough. So, I warned you

Mx - offline Mx
14-11-2002 00:57 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Mad fancier

VorteX DrAgON
We'll speak our language everywhere else, except this topic.

Prince Dakkar
I think you're right, thus just catch the moment!
I've been studying, when I heard what happened. My mother have been working in about three blocks from the WTC, so she was one of those, who had to ran away, but anyway, let's change subject, because I don't wanna hear something spiteful about this from someone again.

Nobody forces you to participate. Knowing some foreign language is just one of the basic requirements for all educated people. This topic is just a practice of it with the incline to the Fallout field and it has nothing to do with your opinion about Americans. What you're saying is just an expression of your envious attitude... Sorry, but mind your own business then, please.

Prince Dakkar
Well, these two were what you call "offtopic"

Изменено: Mx, 14-11-2002 в 05:12

VorteX DrAgON - offline VorteX DrAgON
14-11-2002 04:45 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Дракон царских кровей
Droplet Keeper forever

Well! Then you must help me to understand what you talking about!
Learn me, please!

Mx - offline Mx
14-11-2002 05:10 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Mad fancier

VorteX DrAgON
Just make a list of words that you don't understand. I think this is the major issue, because you're quiet ok with assembling sentences.

VorteX DrAgON - offline VorteX DrAgON
14-11-2002 06:25 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Дракон царских кровей
Droplet Keeper forever

Ok. I'll try. "because you're quiet ok with assembling sentences." - how translate that?

Mx - offline Mx
14-11-2002 07:24 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Mad fancier

VorteX DrAgON
It means that you have enough knowledge to put words in the right order.

"quiet ok" means "almost ok"
"assembling" means "constructing"

VorteX DrAgON - offline VorteX DrAgON
14-11-2002 07:53 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Дракон царских кровей
Droplet Keeper forever

Yes! Now i see what it means!
I need some practice in language.

Prince Dakkar - offline Prince Dakkar
14-11-2002 20:55 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Local Master of your Destiny

I see. It seems to me it was a great stress...

I've eliminated all the offspring messages

Salvatore - offline Salvatore
14-11-2002 20:57 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

Fallout - good. Other RPG games - bad. World peace. Hurrah!!!

Prince Dakkar - offline Prince Dakkar
14-11-2002 21:24 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Local Master of your Destiny

Hm... Actually, there are some RPG games which have completely different style and so, there is no way to compare them...

Salvatore - offline Salvatore
14-11-2002 21:42 URL сообщения      K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

Prince Dakkar
Yeah, but Fallout is the only RPG game I like to play. I tried to play ADOM, Wizardry 7 and some other games but find them too boring :-)

Prince Dakkar - offline Prince Dakkar
14-11-2002 22:30 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Local Master of your Destiny

The games you told about aren't my choice too But if we take JRPG or AD&D based games like BG, the struggle between them is going to be hard. Different people like different styles, so many customers aren't fond of post-nuclear reality

Mortitia Addams - offline Mortitia Addams
14-11-2002 22:47 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Гроза редисок

Prince Dakkar -> Should I correct the mistakes? Or shouldn't I? It is entirely up to you, guys, so... Oh, well... You'd better wait for Mx to help you out here.

Mx - offline Mx
15-11-2002 00:29 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Mad fancier

but find them
but I found them

Prince Dakkar
But if we take
Never begin with "but"

if we take JRPG or AD&D based games like BG, the struggle between them is going to be hard
if we had taken ..... the struggle between them would have been hard

Something like that. I'm not sure.

Mortitia Addams
If you feel like correcting something, you're always free to do it as long as people don't refuse this offer.

Prince Dakkar
I see where you're coming with this discussion. I bet you won't be able to talk him into it...

Stasishe - offline Stasishe
15-11-2002 01:32 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

Mx Never begin with "but"
Why? Is it syntax error or grammatic ?

Mx - offline Mx
15-11-2002 04:20 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Mad fancier

It's definitely a gramatical error. You should never begin sentence with "But" or "Because". Actually, maybe it's not an official rule, but it's very wrong to write like this.

Mortitia Addams - offline Mortitia Addams
15-11-2002 04:27 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Гроза редисок

Stasishe -> There is a special rule in English (subordinate clauses with "but" at the beginning of the sentence):

But for the rain they couldn't go out that day - Из-за дождя они в тот день не могли выйти на улицу.

Mx - offline Mx
15-11-2002 04:31 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Mad fancier

Mortitia Addams

You can use "but" or "because", but in a different way. For example:
Because he was crippled, he couldn't play.

Mortitia Addams - offline Mortitia Addams
15-11-2002 04:44 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Гроза редисок

Mx -> It's called "Inversion" and it is used to underline the special inner meaning of the sentence (I know it is a clumsy way to explain it, but I'm kind of tired right now, so don't be too hard on me! ), just compare two sentences below:

We couldn't call you becasue of the blizzard. - Мы не могли созвониться с вами из-за снежной бури.
Becasue of the blizzard we couldn't call you. - Именно из-за снежной бури мы и не смогли с вами созвониться.

Mx - offline Mx
15-11-2002 04:48 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Mad fancier

Mortitia Addams
Yeah, I think that's right.
To be honest with you, I don't really know all the names and rules. I just feel the way it has to be written because of my good hear sense.

VorteX DrAgON - offline VorteX DrAgON
15-11-2002 04:57 URL сообщения Дневник     K-Mail    Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать
Дракон царских кровей
Droplet Keeper forever

but I'm kind of tired right now, so don't be too hard on me
What it means?

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