Модератор Dark Jedi
Вышел Star Wars Freeworlds 1.66 Mod Pack by the Freeworlds Mod Team, 225Мб.
Все оригинальные корабли, станции и вооружение заменены на "звездновойновские".
Все оригинальные системы заменены на "звездновойновские":
Alderaan, Bastion , Beshqek, Bespin, Bilbringi, Corellia, Coruscant, Hoth, Imperial Check Point, Japreal, Kessel, Kuat, Mandalore, Mon Calamari, Naboo, Tatoo, Yavin, Y'toub.
Все оригинальные фракции заменены на "звездновойновские":
Rogue Squadron, Jedi Order, New Republic Security, Mandalorian Warriors, Imperial Research, The Sith Order, Independent Traders, The Krath, Sienar Fleet Systems, Arakyd Industries, Kuat Drive Yards, Naboo Security Forces, BlasTech Industries, Mandal Motors, Trade Federation, Techno Union, Gungans, Commerce Guild, Golan Arms Corporation, GeneTech Laboratories, Naboo Diplomatic Corp, Death Watch, Disgruntled Spice Miners, Smugglers, Rebels, Black Suns, Independent Miners, Civilians, Bounty Hunters, New Republic Navy, Imperial Navy, Imperial Elite, Hutts, Corellian Sector Authority, Corellian Security Force, Corellian Engineering Corporation, Human League, Disac Pirates, Peace Brigade, Ssi Ruuk.