На след. недели релизят следующую версию Реализм-мода (4.0). Изменили Zor (Зону рекрутирования):
"ZoR (Zone of Recruitability) has been entirely reworked. You are no longer limited by an invisible 'barrier' concerning in which provinces you can recruit troops, and which you can not. The way it works now, is as follows: Factions are now grouped into 'culture types' for barracks, 'cavalry types' for cavalry, and 'missile types' for missiles. An example of this would be the Greek culture type, so Macedon, Seleucid, Greece, Thrace, and Ptolemaic would be in this group. Another would be Barbarian, Roman, etc. If you capture a province from a similiar culture type, cavalry type, or missile type, you will be able to recruit your units from there right off the bat, as long as there was a Barracks or Equestrian Stables, etc, there before hand. If, alternatively, you capture a province from an unfamiliar culture type (say, as the Julii, you capture a Sarmatian province) you will NOT be able to build your native troops there until you construct your own type of Barracks, Equestrian Stables, etc. This is to simulate the differences in cultures, a time-based 'romanization' period, and provide a more flexible, robust, and dynamic implimentation of the ZoR system. You get to choose where, and in which direction, your faction settles and expands to, without being hemmed in by an inflexible, archaic ZoR system. The culture groups are based logically. As a Parthian, you can build and recruit Horse Archers in the lands of factions that are familiar with Horse archer units, such as Sarmatia, Numidia, and Armenia. As a Barbarian, you will be able to recruit Barbarian cavalry right off the bat in Barbaric lands (Britons, Gauls, Germans, Dacia). Iberia and Sarmatia are excluded from this group, as their cultures are different enough to warrant the change. Please refer to the ZoR_System.txt file for further, more in-depth, info. "